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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who are Will Drafting UK?
    Will Drafting UK (a trading name of Westcountry Estate Planning - 11348410) are a leading Will Writing company offering Wills at a fraction of a price compared to other Solicitors and Will writing companies. Our Wills are cheaper than most DIY Will kits and is one of, if not the cheapest like for like service in the UK.
  • Why are your Wills so well priced?
    We understand the importance of having a professionally written Will in place. The problem is, not everybody can afford it. As a consequence of this, more and more people are turning to DIY Will kits or in some instances hand written Wills. By offering an over the telephone service, we are able to strip a large proportion of the cost out of the service compared to us sending a professional out/you coming to see us. For this reason, we are able to offer Wills at such a fantastic price with no hidden costs and bringing you complete peace of mind.
  • What is the process for having a Will written?
    1) Once you have filled in our short form, we will call you at your desired time to take your Will instruction; 2) Our Legal team will produce your Will and send to you within 7-10 days of the Will telephone consultation; 3) Once you have confirmed that you are happy with your Will, the master copy of your Will is sent out to you in the post within 7-10 days. We provide comprehensive signing instructions with your Will to ensure that your Will is signed and witnessed correctly.
  • Are your Wills legally binding?
    Absolutely. The Wills that we produce are written exactly the same as the Wills that other law firms produce.
  • Does my Will need to be signed or witnessed by a professional?
    No. You need to sign your Will in the presence of two witnesses at the same time. These witnesses can be anybody over the age of 18, provided that they are not mentioned in your Will. To eliminate any potential issues it is best to avoid using family members. Good examples of witnesses are work colleagues, friends, and/or neighbours. We provide comprehensive signing instructions with your Will.
  • I already have a Will with another firm/Solicitor; can I still have a Will with you?
    Yes. When you make a new Will, your old Will is automatically revoked. If you are paying any storage/ongoing fees for your old Will, you can cancel this as your new Will replaces this.
  • I have a Will with you but I would like to update it; what is the process?
    Where free updates apply, simply contact us on your preferred method with a list of the changes that you would like made and we will have your updated Will out in the post within 7-10 days. A £4.99 administration fee will apply to cover all postage fees. When you originally took out your Will with us you would have been offered an optional extra of lifetime updates for £10 per year. If you chose this option, simply contact us on your preferred method with a list of the changes that you would like made and we will have your updated Will out in the post within 7-10 days. If you did not choose the lifetime updates option, you will need to choose a new Single or Mirror Will option.
  • Can you store my Will for me?
    Yes, we do offer storage options. Please contact us to discuss this.
  • I am married. Do our Wills need to be identical?
    The short answer is no, they do not need to be identical. Some couples (married or common law) choose to have 'Mirror Wills', which is where when the first person dies, everything goes to the surviving partner, however as the testator (person making the Will) you can choose who you wish to benefit from your estate.
  • Can Will Drafting UK act as Professional Executors in my Will?
    Yes, we can act as Professional Executors. Please mention this during your Telephone Will consultation.
  • Do I need Lasting Power of Attorney?
    By making a Lasting Power of Attorney, you are able to control who can make important decisions for you if you are no longer able to. This covers decisions for Health & Welfare and Property & Financial.
  • Who should act as my attorneys for my Lasting Power of Attorney?
    It is common for people to choose their partner, children, or close family members and friends. It is very important to choose people that you trust to make important decisions for you. You do not need to have a solicitor or legal professional acting as an attorney.
  • What happens once you have produced my Lasting Power of Attorney for me?
    Once we send the document(s) to you, these will need to be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian for them to become legal. For an extra fee, we are able to do this for you.
Do you have questions that are not listed above?

Please call us on 0800 112 3558 or email us at where we will be happy to answer any further questions that you may have.
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